Who or what is the European Guitar Asscociation (EGTA)?

The European Guitar Teacher Association Germany is the premiere professional association for teachers, artists on the guitar and all who are interested in the music. On 21.09.1985, the European Guitar Teachers Association (EGTA) Federal Republic and Berlin-West was founded during the Mettmann Guitar Congress.

The goal of the EGTA is to comprehensively promote the educational, artistic and scientific impact of guitar playing.

The EGTA-D e.V. organizes and promotes conventions, symposiums, competitions and educational events on current and historical topics concerning all facets of the instrument and participates as a national division in the events of the European umbrella organization EGTA. EGTA offers its members benefits such as subscriptions to guitar publications, inexpensive insurance coverage through EGTA partners, the opportunity to participate in the existing EGTA national associations, and the chance to publish professional articles and event announcements.

EGTA wants to improve the quality of guitars for children

The EGTA operates internationally in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Switzerland, Slovenia and many other nations. It started with simple lectures, meetings and gatherings in the 1980s. Lecturers developed plans for promoting the guitar in art, education and science. Early-life musical education played a large and important role here. Children's guitars were created and presented to the public. These developments included changes in sizing, construction, various tunings, material selection, guitar durability, tuner hardware, acoustic properties and playability. This eventually led to a guitar-building competition that now occurs every two years. The aim of the guitar building competition is to promote the construction of children's guitars and to improve the quality of these instruments.
Furthermore, the first European Youth Guitar Competition "Andrés Segovia" was held in 2000. This also occurs every 2 years, with young people from all over the world competing at the event.